Helping toddlers and children to overcome developmental delays and live up to their full potential is our passion, and our child therapists are dedicated to working with children and their families to make it possible. We're happy to help families that come to us for help through private means as well those looking for help under state-funded programs covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Thanks to IDEA, children under the age of three who have developmental delays or disabilities may be eligible for early intervention. To determine eligibility, Sunny Days conducts family-centered, play-based independent initial eligibility evaluations for children ages 0-3 who may have developmental delays.

A Unique Approach to Early Intervention Eligibility

Every type of developmental delay is different and presents children with a unique set of challenges. Sunny Days staff is comprised of therapists, nurses, educators, and administrators with a deep pool of clinical experience in a wide range of specialties. We're fully prepared to evaluate and help children with physical, speech-language, cognitive, emotional and social delays and behavioral concerns.

Perhaps even more importantly, we understand that each child and each family is different. Even though your child may have the same developmental delay as many other children do, the way in which it affects your child and your family is unique and requires an evaluation and intervention program based upon that reality. That's why Sunny Days evaluations are multidisciplinary assessments that evaluate the unique strengths and needs of each child and identify services appropriate to meet those needs.

A family-directed assessment consists of discovering your family's unique resources, priorities, and concerns and then identifying the supports and services needed to enhance your capacity to meet the developmental needs of your child.
