Getting Help Through The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was first created by United States Congress in 1986 and has been amended many times since, with the most recent update coming in 2004. IDEA was designed to ensure that children with learning disabilities would be eligible to receive the type of care they need in order to be on even ground with their peers. Any child who is under age three and has a State-confirmed cognitive, social-emotional, physical, adaptive, and/or communication disability or established developmental delay is eligible for government-funded early intervention services.

Each state has established its own rules and guidelines for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act qualification. Sunny Days provides children and their families with early intervention services in California, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Below you'll find brief details about each of these states' requirements as well as a link to the full list of requirements.

Getting Help Through The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

California Early Intervention Requirements

California qualifies infants and toddlers from birth through 36 months as eligible for early intervention when they have a documented evaluation and assessment meeting the conditions the state has established for disabilities and developmental delays. A full list of requirements can be found below.

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Delaware Early Intervention Requirements

Children who are under age three and have developmental delays may be eligible for early intervention assistance. The state's Childhood Development Watch program helps administer these services. Below you can find the five steps used to help determine whether or not your child is eligible.

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New Jersey Early Intervention Requirements

The Department of Health governs the New Jersey Early Intervention System, which oversees the state's system of early intervention services for infants and toddlers between ages zero and three. A comprehensive list of requirements can be found below.

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New York Early Intervention Requirements

Part of the nation's Early Intervention Program for infants and toddlers with learning disabilities and their families, the New York State Early Intervention Program provides assistance to children under age three who have learning disabilities. More information can be found here.

Click below for a full list of requirements and details.

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Pennsylvania Early Intervention Requirements

Some children face development delays and learning disabilities, and Pennsylvania helps them by collaborating with parents to bring children with delays and/or disabilities early intervention services. Children aged zero to five are eligible for help through the state's program. Click below for a full list of requirements and details.

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